Monday, November 05, 2012

Watery Wooly Weekends

Fabulously smug husbands book minibreaks in watery cities as surprise birthday presents…


And take their shocked and fabulously indulged wife to watery hotels with private boats…09-P1100231 11-P1100236

to fish and food markets to drop one’s jaw…

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Even when the weather is wet and the wife’s attire seems to be modelled on the fashions of the local fishermen…

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And said hubbie spots quilting inspiration on the floor of many and varied religious venues…39-P1100281 20-P1100272 21-P1100280

And then indulges a wooly passion or two with a rain-sodden exploration around the semi-navigable streets to find the ONLY YARN SHOP IN VENICE

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Beautiful wools…

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Patient staff and exciting, Italian ranges in a range of prices, colours and styles…28-P1100300 29-P1100301

With the inevitable souvenir purchases….


Watch this space for the hat and scarf that will be emanating from these four balls of gorgeousness…

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